Planet Diversity World Congress on the Future of Food and Agriculture

Press Conference

The Press Conference took place on the 12. May 2008 in Bonn.

The speakers:

Farida Akhter, UBINIG, Bangladesh

Rudolf Buntzel, EED, Church Development Service, Germany

Mamadou Lamine Coulibaly, CNOP Mali

Mamadou Goita, IRPAD, Forum Nyeleni, Mali

Ulrich Kelber, Social Democratic Party, Member of Parliament, Germany

Percy Schmeiser, farmer sued by Monsanto, Canada

Vandana Shiva, Navdanya Seed Movement, India

Hubert Weiger, BUND (Friends of the Earth), Germany

Christine von Weizsäcker, Ecoropa, Germany

F.-W. Graefe zu Baringdorf, The Greens & AbL, Member of the European Parliament, Germany

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Ulrich Kelber, Social Democratic Party, 
Member of Parliament, Germany
Rudolf Buntzel, EED, Church
Development Service, Germany



Mamadou Goita, Mamadou Lamine Coulibaly, Farida Akhter

Hubert Weiger, Rudolf Buntzel, Vandana Shiva

Percy Schmeiser, Ulrich Kelber, Christine von Weizsäcker

F.-W. Graefe zu Baringdorf, Hubert Weiger, Vandana Shiva, Mamadou Goita, Mamadou Lamine Coulibaly, Farida Akhter

Press ConferenceConférence de PressePressekonferenzConferencia de prensa

Local Organising Committee