Planet Diversity World Congress on the Future of Food and Agriculture

Diversity in Europe


International Advisory Committee

Blauen-Institut, Switzerland

Friends of the Earth International, The Netherlands

Humane Earth Foundation, Switzerland

ILEIA Centre for Information on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture, Netherlands

International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC), United Kingdom

Kokopelli, France

Save Our Seeds, Germany

Women and Life on Earth, Germany

Greenpeace International, The Netherlands

Local Organising Committee

AbL, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (Small Farmers Association), Germany

BUND - Freund der Erde, Germany

EED, Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Church Development Service), Germany

Federation of German Scientists (VDW), Germany

Gen-ethisches Netzwerk /Gene-ethical Network, Germany

GENET, Germany

IFOAM, Germany

Interessengemeinschaft für gentechnikfreie Saatgutarbeit (Initiative for GE-free Seeds and Breeding), Germany

VERN, Verein zur Erhaltung und Rekultivierung, Germany

German NGO Forum on Environment and Development, Germany

Greenpeace Germany, Germany

The Network of Planet Diversity

A SEED Europe (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment, and Diversity Europe), The Netherlands

Action Consommation, France

Agentur Colabora Kommunikation und Fundraising, Germany

AGRECOL e.V., Germany

AGRO (Aktionsbündnis Gentechnikfreie Region Oberrhein), Deutschland-Frankreich

AGROLINK, Bulgaria

Agrologica, Denmark

Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt e.V., Germany

Aktionsgemeinschaft TAG DER ERDE e.V., Germany

Albanian association of Organic Horticulture-Bioplant Albania, Albania

Amigos de la Tierra, España

Amigos de la Tierra España, España

Anamed International e.V., Germany

Arche Noah, Austria

Association of Rural Development of the Poltava Region, Ukraine

Attac, Germany

Avalon, The Netherlands

BEDE, France

Bewegungsstiftung, Germany

Bingenheimer Saatgut AG, Germany

Bio-Verbraucher e.V., Germany

Bioland-Gärtnerei Löwenzahn, Germany

Biologica, The Netherlands

BioSkop e.V., Germany

BLUE 21 e.V. Berliner Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Umwelt und Entwicklung, Germany

Buko Agrar Koordination - Biopoli, Germany

BUND Berlin e.V., Germany

Bürgerinitiative für ein gentechnikfreies Schleswig-Holstein, Germany


Centerpartiet in Jämtland, Sweden

CEPTA - Centrum pre trvaloudržateľné alternatívy, Slovakia

Chambers of Agriculture, Brussels Office, Belgium

Circolo Culturale Ambientescienze, Italy

Colher Para Semear, Portugal

Combat Monsanto, France

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), The Netherlands

De Groep Bos, The Netherlands

DENKmal-Film GmbH, Germany

Deutsch-Äthiopischer Verein, Germany

Deutsche Welle, Germany

Deutscher Berufs und Erwerbs Imker Bund e.V., Germany

Dreamer Joint Venture Filmproduktion GmbH, Germany

Dreschflegel e.V., Germany

Dreschflegel, Kultursaat, University of Goettingen, Germany

Dutch Platform Health and Environment, The netherlands

Earth's People, Austria

Eco-risk, Austria

Ecologistas en Acción · Ekologistak Martxan · Ecologistes en Acció · Ecoloxistas en Acción, Spain

EcoNexus, UK

Edition SOPHIA - Christine Zembol Verlag, Germany

Environmental Association "Vila Zora", Makedonija

Equivita Scientific Committee, Italy

Eremurus Club/CIS Biosafty Alliance, Russia

Estonian Fund for Nature, Estonia

ETK, Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation, Hungary

Europäische Akademie GmbH, Germany

Europäisches BürgerInnenforum, Switzerland

European Farmers Co-ordination (CPE), Belgium

EYFA (European Youth For Action), The netherlands

Federal Agency of Nature Conservation of Germany, Germany

Federation of Environmental and Ecological Organisations of Cyprus, Cyprus

FIAN-Deutschland e.V., Germany

FIAN-Nederland, The Netherlands

Filme für die Erde, Schweiz

Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, France

Food & Water Watch, Germany

Forum for international development and planning (finep), Germany

Friends of the Earth, UK

Friends of the Earth Austria-Global 2000, Austria

Friends of the Earth Europe, Belgium

GAIA - Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental, Portugal

Gen Au Rheinau, Switzerland

Gendreck-weg-Freiwillige Feldbefreiung, Germany

Genethica, The Netherlands

GeneWatch UK, UK

Gentechnikfreies Europa e. V., Germany

German Parliament, Green Group, Germany

GESASE (General Confederation of Geek Agrarian Associations), Greece

GLOBAL 2000 / Friends of the Earth Austria, Austria

Global Call to Action against Poverty, Slovenia

GM Free Cymru, Wales, UK

GM Free Ireland Network, Ireland


Greenpeace Belgium, Belgium

Greenpeace European Unit, Belgium

Greenpeace France, France

Greenpeace Greece, Greece

Greenpeace in Central and Eastern Europe, Austria

Greenpeace International, The Netherlands

Greenpeace Jugend, Germany

Greenpeace Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Greenpeace Nordic, Sweden

Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique, France

Hard Rain Project, United Kingdom

Hej da GMO!, Sweden

ID21, UK

Inf'OGM, France

InfOMG, România

INKOTA-netzwerk, Germany

Institute of Science in Society (ISIS), Great Britan

International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS), Belgium

Jugendbewegt e. V., Germany

Kein Patent auf Leben!, Germany

LIFE e. V. / genanet - Leitstelle Gender, Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit, Germany

Louis Bolk Institute, The Netherlands

Markant Aktionstheater, Germany

Moscow City Duma, Commission on public health, Russian Federation

Nature Protection Policies Directorate in the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration of Albania, Albania

Network For Ecofarming In Africa-NECOFA, Germany

Öbv - Via Campesina Austria, Austria

Open image in a new window:BA für Bergbauernfragen (Bundesanstalt für Bergbauernfragen), Austria

Paniers de saison, France

Plataforma Transgénicos Fora, Portugal

Priekuļi Plant Breeding Institute, Latvia

Regional Center for Strategic Environmental Studies-ECOS, Moldova

Regional Council Berat, Albania

Réseau Semences Paysannes, France

SAG, Blueridge Institute, GENET, Switzerland

SATU e.V. for Youth, Art and Culture, Germany

Schweisfurth Stiftung, Germany

Social Ecological Institute (SIE), Poland

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland

Terre et humanisme (07), France

The International Commission on the Future of Food, Italy

Training and Coordination Centre of Agricultural Advisory Services, Ukraine

Umwelt Projekt Naturinsel Drachenmühle, Germany

Universität Bonn-Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften-Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft, Germany

University of Kassel, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, Germany

VeM, centrum Vrouw en Milieu, The Netherlands

WECF-Women in Europe for a Common Future, Germany

Women and Life on Earth, Germany

World Future Council, Germany


Local Organising Committee